Jami's Writing Blog

This is the blog where I am going to post some of my fiction. If you like it, please leave comments. If you have constructive criticism, please leave that as well. If you hate it, well, keep your thoughts to yourself.

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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

I'm a mommy and wife. I'm now a birth doula, and loving it. I love TV (and TiVo), books, movies and board games.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Beginning

This story doesn't have a title yet, so we're just going to start with the Prologue. Here's the deal - I have this and the first chapter written and ready to go, but I don't know where the story is heading, really. So, if after reading this you want more, comment and let me know.

Prologue - It Begins
Death has always stalked me in mirrors. If I have learned one thing from horror movies, it's that you never, never look into a mirror after dark, or if you're home alone and something creepy has happened, or if you're in a public bathroom and no one is around. That's when the person or thing bringing your death appears. Either right when you look, or as soon as you turn around after looking. So, for as long as I have been watching scary movies and TV shows, I've seen death in the mirror, every time. Little hints of unexplained movements, shadows that don't look right, a flicker of something that doesn't belong. And then, there's nothing and I go on with my life, the incident forgotten in moments, until the next time I see a mirror, and death is there.

I guess that is why, when I actually did see death coming for me in the mirror, I wasn't surprised. Scared as hell, but not surprised. Death has always been in the mirror.

But let's go back a little, and catch up~

did I catch your interest? Want more? Comment and let me know


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always knew you'd author a book someday.....that's my girl!

6:16 PM  
Blogger Paperback Writer said...


8:17 AM  
Blogger Osquer said...

Yeah, you've got me hooked! I find personifications of death fascinating. Go on!

Mind if put a link to this on my blog?

Thanks PW for leading me here!

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jami you SHOULD continue!!!!!!!!! You have natural talent for writing!!!!!!!! DON'T HIDE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LORI

6:11 PM  
Blogger Jami said...

Thanks, all. I will definitely go on.

Osquer, I'd be honored if you put a link, thanks so much!

Chapter 1 is coming, in two parts. Enjoy!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Jami said...

Excellent, Rob, thanks!!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom said...

It's great!

BTW, I also have been having the same kind of blog at http://myfictionstories.blogspot.com.

The difference is that I wrote short stories instead of a long one.

Keep up the great job!


8:05 PM  

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